Business Directory

Explore Businesses in Downtown Sarnia & Mitton Village

Explore shops and services in Downtown Sarnia and Mitton Village through this interactive map, created as part of the Neighbourhood Revitalization Project’s Action Plan implementation. Click on any business for details or use the directory to search and zoom to specific locations. The filters provided also allow you to view businesses by area or by category type

The map’s highlighted areas also align with the City of Sarnia’s Downtown and Mitton Village Community Improvement Plan (CIP) areas, that are part of ongoing efforts to support revitalization and business growth.

We will be exploring the opportunity to expand the map to include other areas of the city in the future to provide a comprehensive view of shops and services available throughout Sarnia.

Click on the map to open

Discover Downtown Sarnia & Mitton Village: Where Culture Meets Charm

Shop & Dine: Discover the charm of these neighborhoods that offer a wide variety of local businesses just waiting to meet you. Browse unique boutiques and indulge in local holiday shopping, visit cozy cafés and drop by family-owned shops and specialty retailers. From multicultural cuisine and gourmet dining to casual spots perfect for relaxing, these areas have something for every taste. You'll experience the warmth and hospitality that makes Sarnia a welcoming destination.

Cultural & Artistic Experience: These areas come alive with culture and creativity. From art galleries with modern and diverse exhibitions, to local events like the First Friday celebrations and the Mitton Village block party, local artists and musicians are ready to share their talents with you! Enjoy the public art installations and theatrical performances available in both neighborhoods for a rich cultural experience that highlights the vibrant artistic spirit of Sarnia.

Scenic Views & Peaceful Vibes: Take a stroll along the St. Clair River waterfront in Downtown Sarnia or enjoy the local peaceful spaces on your walk of Mitton Village. Whether you're relaxing by the water or unwinding in the neighborhood parks, both areas provide a tranquil escape where you can enjoy the natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere that defines Sarnia.

Directory Updates

Are you a Downtown or Mitton Village business? To update your information in the Business Directory, please contact our team.
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